This whole “Marriage” subject
has gotten me thinking
about monogamy.
…..Not whether or not I can or have
been monogamous, because that’s a
non issue (not to mention I love my fiancé and value my life as well)
My concern is that people have totally pushed morals to the side.
In the past sharing yourself with more than 1 person was frowned upon….
Not to mention catching sh*t penicillin can’t cure lls and the pain it cost your partner
isn’t quite worth the risk.
The Morals of Marriage have gone by the waist side for what people consider to be “Happiness”
I did some research!
I found a book called “The Ethical Slut”
This book discusses how to live an active
Life with multiple concurrent sexual relationships
in a fair and honest way. Discussion topics include
how to deal with the practical difficulties and opportunities in finding and keeping partners, maintaining
relationships with others, and strategies for personal growth.
To me this makes a slut sound ethical duh smh… which I’m not here to judge…just stating what I’ve interpreted and to me that makes no sense….It implies that you can love someone, want him or her to be happy…but that shouldn’t change by having sex with additional people.
May be this makes sense to others,
but not to me….
When I was younger I probably would have thought it was possible..
but giving yourself to one is the ultimate commitment if you ask me.
The book also posits that an artificial ‘economy of scarcity’ in sex leads to jealousy and possessiveness.
This is pretty much saying that
because sex is ‘rare’ it has and increased value, and is therefore
treasured unreasonably? It’s not anti-monogamy, but it’s pro-polygamy.
Don’t you find that these things don’t usually work
in real life? I know I want my partner
To be happy, but I also want all of her hugs and kisses to myself?
What do you think?