Mend a quarrel. Search out
a forgotten friend. Dismiss suspicion,
and replace it with trust.
Write a love letter. Share some
treasure. Give a soft answer.
Encourage youth. Manifest your
Loyalty in a word or deed.
Keep a promise. Find the
time. Forgo a grudge. Forgive
an enemy. Listen. Apologize if
you were wrong. Try to understand.
Flout envy. Examine your
demands on others. Think first of
someone else. Appreciate, be kind,
be gentle. Laugh a little more.
Deserve confidence. Take up
Arms against malice. Decry complacency.
Express your gratitude.
Worship God. Gladden the
heart of a child. Take pleasure
in the beauty and wonder of the
earth. Speak your love. Speak it
again. Speak it still again. Speak
it still once again.
i loved this! Of course i am going to "Speak my Love" into existence, everyday!
This is so beautifully written! This is a way of life....A new thought process that everyone should follow...
love it and the jimi hendrix quote
@Mizrepresents.....I knew u wld apprec :)
@JStar.... :)
@Daij RT!
That's fabulous! Thanks for sharing...
BTW: Is it just me or is your blog layout off? I only see left column at the top and two other columns I have to scroll down for.
LOVE this! It is starred, liked, and marked unread daily in my Google reader feed. Powerful thoughts; we all need to remember and act accordingly.
@Petula.....Thanks! Its comes out fine when I view it.
@keilabee....Thanks you! I apprec ur support :)
Laugh a little more, Worship God, Decry complacency....and the list goes on. Loved it..simple yet profound!!!
@Tia's Real Talk....Thankyou :)
I appreciate your view on the things that one should do during the course of a day. These are things that actually make life better for someone else...and the person performing the acts. Love it!
@JustThoughts....Thankyou and Thanks 4 stopping bye.
Love this so much Champ! Speak Love, Show Love & Give Love. Such beautiful words.
Nice post brother.
Love built upon these principles would be a most beautiful thing.
I need to save this to My Documents.
@Don....couldn't agree more!
well put;)@Champ.
@peaches27.... Thanks!
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